When you Venture out the Capture that heart-stopping image of a furtive animal in the wild, you need kit won't let you down.
What kind of the Kit that use to shoot the bird that usually I bring?

  1. CAMOUFLAGE JACKET - Hooded camouflage is a great for a wildlife shots, as you blend in effortlessly with surrounding. If you are at Kuala Lumpur you can find it Pratama Complex Jalan Tuanku Abdul Rahman 50100 Kuala Lumpur  at Army Shop - You can buy at RM 25 each
  2. TELEPHOTO LENS and CAMO COVER - A telephoto lens is a essential, but a camouflage camera and lens cover hilp help it discreet. - I use CANON lens EF70- 200mm f/2.8L IS II USM  and CONVERTER 2x MarkIII
  3. MONOPOD/ TRIPOD  - In practice, it is good idea to have MONOOD/ TRIPOD readily on hand even you don't expect it too much. Monopod is very useful for me due to flexibility are more than TRIPOD 
  4. MEMORY CARD - CANON MARK#3 is equipped with dual Memory Card, as many proffesional recommend carrying several lower- capacity memory card rather than relying on high-capacity card. So, while it may be tempting to opt for for a 128 GB card, carrying half dozen 16GB cards maybe safer options 
  5. SPEEDLIGHT In bird photography, a Canon 580 EX II flash can be used as a fill flash to help compensate for an overly bright background or shadows on the bird or to add more light to a frame, which enables a photographer to use a faster shutter speed and freeze a fast-moving bird

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